
Florida Highway Patrol Command Officers Association membership page


To become a member of the only Association that only represents issues related to the Command Officers for the Florida Highway Patrol you must meet the following qualifications.

  • Must be active full-time or retired sworn member of the Florida Highway Patrol holding the rank of Lieutenant or above.

  • Must maintain annual membership dues.

FHPCOA members needing to change information related to their benefits, address, phone numbers or needing to obtain their current status with the Association need to contact the Director of Operations and Member Services, Wendy Williams, at 850.878.8844.

Types of Membership:

Regular Member:

Active sworn troopers holding the rank of Lieutenant or above.

Honorary Member:

Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to retired members of the Association. Not required to pay dues and are not eligible for full benefits.

Reserve Member:

Reserve membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to those who were regular members in good standing and then retired. Reserve members pay same dues as regular member and are eligible for full benefits.


Membership to the Florida Highway Patrol Command Officers Association provides you with the following benefits.

Legal Services


Protection provided by PLEA (Professional Law Enforcement Association) for duty related incidents involving charges for civil, criminal, administrative, grand jury, non-duty administrative, and internal affairs coverage with no deductible or co-payment for duty related incidents that occur as a result of police actions as per the Legal Defense Fund Handbook and Summary Plan Description.

Professional Law Enforcement Association Legal Defense Plan - These services cover you, the Command Officer, for duty related incidents involving civil and criminal charges AND administrative and non-duty related administrative incidents such as demotions, transfers, suspension and termination. (As per the Legal Defense Fund Handbook & Summary Plan Description.) HR-218 Benefit included PLUS $5,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Coverage

AD&D Policy - $100,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment policy for each active member.


Consultation with the Director


Consultation with the Director of the Florida Highway Patrol on matters related to personnel or organizational concerns by the Board.


Civic Endeavors

FHPCOA supports its members in various civic endeavors. Ex. MADD walk, Tour de Force Ride for Remembrance, Concerns of Police Survivors – Partners in Law Enforcement


Grievance Representation


Association representation during grievance hearings and assistance filing grievances.


National Troopers Coalition Membership


Included with your FHPCOA Membership Benefits/goals of the NTC Membership include:

A continuing effort to better police services to the public. To stimulate mutual cooperation between state police associations throughout the nation. To elevate the standards of policing throughout the U.S. To assist member state police associations in achieving the best possible equipment, salaries, pension, benefits, and working conditions. To provide a vehicle through which state police associations may disseminate factual data.

Valuable networking tool with other law state enforcement agencies throughout the United States.


Member Assistance & Civic Endeavors


FHPCOA supports its members in various civic endeavors and assists in time of need such as hurricanes and disasters.
Call our Director of Operations & Member Services at 850-878-8844 or email


Retiree Benefits

Loyal members who retire in good standing receive Honorary Membership Status.


“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”
– Aristotle